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Video in linguistic research: from recording to annotation

Organisation: Aria Adli and Catherine Bolly
Alter Senatssaal, University of Cologne

Series of three workshops:

May 13, 2016: Basics of video recording and editing (by Adam Polczyk)
June 03, 2016: Basics of video annotation in linguistic corpora (by Catherine Bolly)
June 30, 2016 (interested listeners are welcome): Round table with invited guests on new research avenues regarding linguistic video annotation and XML/TEI (by Aria Adli and Catherine Bolly)

"Annotation of video for linguistic corpora" on June 30, 2016:

We are pleased to announce that the Round Table on "Annotation of video for linguistic corpora" will be held on Thursday 30.06 at the University of Cologne (Alter Senatssaal, Hauptgebäude). This session is part of a Workshop organized by the Sociolinguistic Lab (Org.: Aria Adli, Catherine T. Bolly) on "Video in linguistic research: From recording to annotation".

Please find below the program of the day. Note that the morning session, which is open to the public, includes four invited guests' talks and one open discussion with the audience. The afternoon session (not open to public) is dedicated to the writing of a memorandum with the invited guests.

Morning session (open to public)
10:00-10:15: Introduction
10:15-12:15: Invited presentations: Current practice and future avenues in video data analysis for linguists

  • Thomas Schmidt (IDS, Mannheim): "Video data at the archive for spoken German"
  • Catherine Bolly (UzK, Köln): "Video data in applied linguistics: What about interoperability and accessibility?"
  • Carole Etienne (ENS, Lyon): "A common format to share oral and multimodal corpora: purpose, methodology and issues"
  • Han Sloetjes (MPI, Nijmegen): "Video annotation with ELAN"

12:15-13:00: Open discussion including audience participation (with coffee)

Afternoon session (for invited guests only)
14:30-18:30: Round table discussion: Common work on a memorandum on video annotation for the scientific community
