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Amalia Canes Nápoles, M.A.

I work in the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface, which addresses (from various vantage points) questions of how communication works in context. My current work focuses on the discourse structuring and information packaging factors that condition the choice of certain discourse markers, and seek to provide clues to our understanding of the syntax-to-discourse relation. I have worked on topics such as reported speech, polysemy of functional words and disambiguation through statistical methods.

Selected articles:

  • Canes Nápoles, A. & Delbecque, N. 2017. “’En realidad’, polisemia y polifuncionalidad de un marcador discursivo”. In Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana (RILI): 29 (1):173-206.
  • Canes Nápoles. 2020. “La cita en la estrategia de divulgación de un producto médico. Análisis discursivo”. In Verba: Anuario Galego de Filoloxía (forthcoming).