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Projects and Publications


  • The relation between grammar and usage: null subjects and subject position in Spanish and Persian
  • SFB 1252 ‘Prominence in Language’, Sub-project C01 ‘Prominence and Information Structure’ (January 2017 – currently)

 Ongoing dissertations

  • Canes Nápoles, A. The Interplay between Discourse Markers and Information Structure in the Construction of Discourse Coherence
  • Cassarà, A. Context and information structure in syntactic variation
  • Engel, E. Topic marking constructions in French
  • Same, F. Coherence and topic shift in discourse: A comprehensive approach to sentence and discourse topic


  • Adli, Aria. 2010a. Constraint cumulativity and gradience: Wh-scrambling in Persian. Lingua 120(9): 2259–2294.
  • Adli, Aria. 2010b. The semantic role of the wh-element and subject position in Spanish and Catalan. STUF – Language Typology and Universals 63(2): 103–117.
  • Adli, Aria. 2011a. A heuristic mathematical approach for modeling constraint cumulativity: Contrastive focus in Spanish and Catalan. The Linguistic Review 28(2): 111–173.
  • Adli, Aria. 2011b. On the relation between acceptability and frequency. In Rinke, E. & Kupisch, T. (eds.), The Development of Grammar: Language Acquisition and Diachronic Change - In Honour of Jürgen M. Meisel. Amsterdam & New York: John Benjamins. 383–404.
  • Adli, Aria. 2011c. Gradient acceptability and frequency effects in information structure: a quantitative study on Spanish, Catalan, and Persian. Habilitationsschrift. Universität Freiburg.
  • Adli, Aria. 2015. What you like is not what you do: acceptability and frequency in syntactic variation. In Adli, Aria, García García, Marco & Kaufmann, Göz (eds.), Variation in Language: Usage-based vs. System-based Approaches. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 173–199.
  • Romary, Laurent. 2016. Converting the multi-lingual spoken corpus into a standardised format. Unpublished technical report. INRIA/University of Cologne.