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The Sociolinguistic Lab on the Radio

Foto: Pexels.com

August 26, 2023
Interview on an study about mother tongue and musicality in WDR Cosmo

June 24, 2023
Interview on horse-related proverbs in the context of the CHIO horse show in 1LIVE

February 21, 2020
Interview on language extinction and what we can do to prevent it in SWR2

January 15, 2020
Interview on the impact of the sanctions on the Iranian culture in WDR3

January 11, 2020
Interview on the Iran conflict and its impact on the Iranian culture in Deutschlandfunk

May 27, 2019
Radio feature on the issue of cursing in Domradio.de

January 14, 2018
Radio feature with Marco Schreyl on the issue of misunderstandings in politics and family in WDR2

January 31, 2017
Radio feature on Trump's entry ban in WDR aktuell

September 22, 2016
Radio feature on the issue of aggressive language in DRadio

June 18, 2015
Radio interview on the foundation of the Sociolinguistic Lab on Deutschlandfunk "Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften"

June 17, 2015
Radio interview on the foundation of the Lab with Professor Aria Adli on Hitradio

June 4, 2015
Radio interview on the founding of the Sociolinguistic Lab with Professor Aria Adli on Kölncampus
