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The Sociolinguistic Lab on TV & Social Media

Foto: Rene Asmussen from Pexels.com

February 19, 2025
Nationales TV-Interview über Mehrsprachigkeit in Deutschland mit Prof. Aria Adli
ARD Mittagsmagazin (13:40--13:55, Live-Auftritt)
MDR um 4 (16:30--17:00)
– Gäste zum Kaffee (MDR um 4)

November 09, 2022
The MISOGRA project: A field trip to Kurdistan (YouTube video)

April 23, 2021
Interview on a ban on gendering as recently proposed by Friedrich Merz in SAT1 NRW

November 12, 2020
Diversity Conference "Macht der Sprache": Panel discussion with Aria Adli organized by Berliner Tagesspiegel and Charta der Vielfalt

November 04, 2020
The Sociolinguistic Cocktail Lecture Series: Image video with Heike Wiese, Isabelle Buchstaller and Aria Adli

August 18, 2020
From lecture hall to living room: Video on research and teaching in times of Corona with Aria Adli

July 17, 2020
Studying at the University of Cologne in times of Covid: YouTube video with Aria Adli

February 21, 2019
Video (short version) of the event Diversity and Multilingualism in a Megacity with Professor Aria Adli and Professor Gregory Guy

November 20, 2018
Live interview on pet and nick names in WDR Hier und heute

February 1, 2017
Live interview on the issue of cursing and swearing in WDR daheim+unterwegs

January 31, 2017
TV interview on Trump's entry ban in WDR Lokalzeit aus Köln

January 18, 2016
Comment on the German word Gutmensch, the "misnomer of the year" (Unwort des Jahres) 2015 on the video channel of the University of Cologne