Interdisciplinary Sonification Student Project -
Jointly realized by students of music composition and linguistics
Malti Marek, Cologne Univ. (mmarek1smail.uni-koeln.de)
Leon Focker, Folkwang Univ. (Leon-Maximilian.Fockerfolkwang-uni.de)
Lukas Becker, Folkwang Univ.
Realized in the context of the joint seminar Coding sonifications taught by Roman Pfeifer (Folkwang Univ.) & Aria Adli (Cologne Univ.) during the winter term 2020/21. The seminar concentrates on the question “How can sonification – the transformation of data relations into sound to convey information – be used in linguistics?” The following study project focuses on the linguistic analysis of registers to generate data that could be sonified. The study aims at making different language registers audible. The following documents give an overview of the study project, a theoretical information and audio samples of sonified data.
We hope you will enjoy the compositions of the register analysis while listening.
If you are interested in more sonification you can find another sonification project by Aria Adli and Roman Pfeifer here.
Programming of Sonification
Video of Sonification
The video shows a run through the whole sonification. You can see the waveforms of the individual tracks and the markers with the different registers at the top of the screen - you can try and listen and notice the differences when it moves to a new marker.
Individual Tracks
The individual tracks are the isolated dimensions (grouping of parameters as just listed, each overpoint is a sound file).
Dimension 1 |
Dimension 2 |
Dimensions 3 & 4 |
Others |
The legend shows what sonic effect a parameter has when it is at its minimum and maximum.
Dimension 1 | ||
Sentence length |
Present tense verbs |
1st person pronouns |
2nd person pronouns |
Demonstrative pronouns |
Dimension 2 |
Past tense verbs |
3rd person pronouns |
Dimension 3* |
Adverbs |
Dimension 4* |
Infinitives |
Gender |
Masculine gender |
Feminine gender |
Neutral gender |
Others |
Adjectives |
Conjectures |
Nominalisations |