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Prof. Aria Adli

Professor for Romance Language at the Romance Seminar and head of the Sociolinguistic Lab, University of Cologne

Prof. Katajun Amirpur

Professor for Islamic Studies at the Oriental Seminar, University of Cologne


Prof. Yadgar Karimi

Professor at the Department of English Literature and Linguistics, University of Kurdistan

Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Kurdistan

Prof. Gholamhossein Karimi-Doostan

Professor at the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran



Christina Szentivanyi


Amalia Canes-Nápoles

Research assistant and lecturer at the Romance Seminar, PhD Student at the University of Cologne, MISOGRA science communication

Paula Schneider

Student Assistant, M.A. Student at the University of Cologne


Kiyanoosh Mohammadi

Student Assistant, B.A. Student at the University of Kurdistan



Keven Glöckner

Student Assistant, M.A. Student at the University of Tehran



Shahriar Hormozi 

Student Assistant, PhD Student at the University of Tehran


